Thursday, March 22, 2012

Godfrey Pierce... the elusive link

Before the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, in session at East Greenwich, las week, Godfrey Pearce,of Coventry, was tried on the charge of murdering Ange?ine Spink, a child only three and half years of age, on the 20th of March last by throwing her down a cistern, The Jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the Court sentenced him to the State Prison for life.
Transcription: Past Present Research Services


Godfrey Pierce died in the State Prison, October 4th, 1858. He was not in good health at the time he was sentanced; and he had been feeble during the entire period of his confinement. Each summer he has had the bowel complaint, and two years ago he came very near dying. About the middle of last May, he began to suffer again from diarrhoea, and although relieved at that time, he was still obliged to use medicine most of the time during the season, to keep the disease in check. About the middle of August his complaint assumed the dysenteric form, and, although at times he appeared to be better, still he gradually failed, and finally sunk under it. He was nearly 67 years of age, and had been in Prison about 4 1/2 years.

pg. 19 Names- Godfrey Pierce, Age 64, Nativity- Rhode Island, Crime- Murder, Time of commitment- May 17, 1854, Crime- Murder, Term of Sentance-Life, Discharged- Oct 4, manner of Discharge - Died

SOURCE: Acts and Resolves of the General Assembly of the state of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, passed at the May Session, 1858, By Rhode Island
Transcription: Transcription: Past Present Research Services

When transcribing  documents remember to type 
them as they are written, do not correct them. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

What I'm working on now....The Peirce's of 1790 Coventry, RI

I'm starting a new search of the Peirce families found in the 1790 Coventry, Kent, RI census. I'm trying to find a connection to Godfrey Peirce and a William Peirce, Jr. both of Coventry, RI and Foster, Providence, RI.

I am hoping to that the William listed below is the father of the above William. I believe at this point of my research there is a strong possibility that Godfrey and William are brothers.

Who is this family living next to each other?

How are they connected?

Peirce, Pardon 1   -   1   -   -
Peirce, Benjamin 1   2   1   -   -
Peirce, William 1   1   2   -   -


a. Free white males of 16 years and upward including heads of families.
b. Free white males under 16 years.
c. Free white females including heads of families.
d. All other free persons.
e. slaves.